Alex Crenshaw, Assistant Percussion Director


As the Riverview Band Program’s longest serving staff member, Alex has been a bedrock foundation of its explosive growth and successes over recent years. Alex joined the Band Program his freshman year in 2004 and served as drum major his junior and senior years of the then Shark Attack Band. As a new graduate in 2008, Alex joined the staff as the winds coordinator and was in charge of marching, music and maneuvering. During his time with our program, Alex has served in a variety of roles. Currently, he serves as the assistant percussion director helping oversee our percussion section.

For the 2019 through 2021 seasons, Alex served as the director of the Indoor Percussion Ensemble—the first of its kind in Riverview High School’s history. Alex lead the team comprised of a drumline, cymbal line, front ensemble and visual cast as they earned a bronze medal in the McCormick’s Division of the Scholastic Marching Class AA at the 2019 Florida Federation of Colorguards Circuit Championships in Daytona Beach, making them the second indoor ensemble in Band Program history to earn a championships medal; Alex also oversaw the ensemble’s first iteration as a concert class group for the 2021 season where they placed fourth at Circuit Championships. For the 2022 season Alex helped the team earn their second bronze medal after their third place finish in the Scholastic Marching Class AA Yamaha Division—a feat repeated in 2023 in the McCormick’s Division.

While serving the Band Program, Alex earned his Bachelor of Arts degree in music education at The University of Tampa in 2013. While at UT Alex studied euphonium under Don Zegel and percussion with Dr. David Coash, both of whom are musicians with the Florida Orchestra; he also studied voice with Dr. Jerald Reynolds. Additionally, Alex was a founding colonist of Kappa Kappa Psi, National Honorary Band Fraternity and saw the colony gain its full charter in May 2011. Alex would also go on to serve as the chapter’s president.

Alex made use of his many musical talents and abilities at UT, performing with a multitude of different ensembles: Wind Ensemble, Spartan Pep Band, Chamber Singers, OPUS Musical Theater Singers, Low Brass Ensemble, Tuba Quartet, Percussion Ensemble and Symphony Orchestra.

Full-time, Alex serves as Director of Ensemble Music at Brooks-DeBartolo Collegiate High School. He was previously the General Music Specialist at Reddick Elementary School and Director of Bands at Orange Grove Middle Magnet School of the Arts. Beyond his professional duties, Alex enjoys baking and cooking for his friends and family in his free time.