Blue Coat Regiment Marching Band Announces Summer 2020 Rehearsal Schedule

We are pleased to announce our summer schedule for the upcoming 2020 marching band and football season. While the COVID-19 pandemic continues to evolve daily, we have made the necessary adjustments to keep students, families and our staff safe, while still providing a high quality experience for all. 

Our current schedule will consist of summer band days and band camp, but we will continue to monitor the coronavirus and follow the guidance of public health and state and local officials. This schedule is subject to change and cancellation as we will always strive to put safety first. 

Summer Band Days 

• Tuesday, July 21 and Thursday, July 23, 5:00–8:00pm
• Tuesday, July 28 and Thursday, July 30, 5:00–8:00pm 

Band Camp 

• Friday, July 31, 9:00am–5:00pm 
• Monday, August 3 through Tuesday, August 4, 10:00am–6:00pm 
Thursday, August 6 through Saturday, August 8, 10:00am–6:00pm

A full breakdown of the precautions we are taking can be found in the email sent today by Band Program Manager Cameron Solomon, but they include:

• Face coverings for all students and staff while not actively playing an instrument or eating or drinking; face coverings are to completely and snugly cover a student’s mouth and nose
• Limited number of students per rehearsal group and area
• Hand soaps, hand sanitizers and cleaning wipes provided to students throughout rehearsal
• Ceasing the usage of central water refill jugs; all students are responsible for their own water for the entire rehearsal

Further updates will be shared here as they become available and direct emails will be sent to students and families. To ensure you are receiving the latest information please email Cameron to be placed on our email distribution list.


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